
9 Months Pregnant

How to Make a Diaper Cake

24 Weeks Pregnant

26 Weeks Pregnant

23 Weeks Pregnant

22 Weeks Pregnant

21 Weeks Pregnant

19 Weeks Pregnant
At this point in your pregnancy, you may feel more aches and pains as your bump grows, and your feet might swell up a little bit. Other body changes that you may experience include dizziness, nasal congestion, and backaches.
Still, you’ll be thrilled when you start to feel a flutter or a kick as your little one grows and starts getting active.

18 Weeks Pregnant
At this stage of your pregnancy, your body is going through a lot of circulation changes, such as increased blood volume and rapidly expanding blood vessels, which can cause your blood pressure to drop. This can leave you feeling lightheaded if you’re not getting enough blood flow to your head and upper body.
You may also notice around 18 weeks that your feet are getting bigger. A part of this is due to swelling caused by water retention, known as edema, which can occur from the second trimester onward.

17 Weeks Pregnant
It’s also possible that you may be feeling some of your baby’s movements right about now. If this isn’t your first baby, then you may be more aware of what the feeling is like, and recognize it sooner. But don't worry if you haven’t felt anything yet. In the coming weeks, you’ll likely notice some activity that feels like fluttering or a light rumbling in your stomach.
Have your feet have gotten bigger recently? This could be due to pregnancy weight gain and to swelling, known as edema, that happens as your body’s retains extra fluid during pregnancy. Try a cool foot bath to relieve the swelling, and elevate your feet whenever you can to help keep yourself more comfortable.

16 Weeks Pregnant
Being pregnant can be fun at this stage! The bothersome symptoms of early pregnancy may have disappeared, and you are likely to have more energy. Enjoy this time by staying moderately active with walks, a swim, or prenatal yoga.
Although every mom-to-be is unique, it’s not unusual for the bump to start showing by 16 weeks of pregnancy. As your bump gets bigger, consider treating yourself to some maternity clothes that might help you feel more comfortable.