
What to Expect After Birth
The big day is just around the corner and after months of excited anticipation, your new baby is about to arrive. You may be well versed in any sit...

Diastasis Recti During and After Pregnancy
Your body can change in strange and fascinating ways during pregnancy. A lot happens as your baby grows and your uterus expands, including the stre...

FAQ: Postpartum Hair Loss
Many changes take place in a woman's body during pregnancy and in the postpartum period. Postpartum hair loss is one of the more common ones.
As wi...

Postpartum Recovery: Recovering From Labor and Delivery
You go through a lot both physically and emotionally during pregnancy and giving birth. It’s natural that after your baby's arrival, your body need...

All About Skin-to-Skin Contact (Kangaroo Care)
Locking eyes with your newborn for the first time is an exciting and memorable experience. You will find yourself studying every part of her face, ...